充满野心的Mark Zuckerberg能否保障我们的权利?









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发表于 2021-12-10 15:27:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
“脸书”无疑是迄今为止世界上最为成功、最有影响力的互联网社交平台之一,数亿用户遍布全球,但Mark Zuckerberg并不满足于此,10月28日宣布将公司名称改为“Meta”,这是一个野心勃勃的举措。
但是,在这之前,我们是否要问一问,Mark Zuckerberg是否已经考虑好如何保障每一个用户的固有权利?他是否能保护我们的隐私和财产?他能否保障我们的自由和价值观?这不是一个简单的问题,特别是对“Meta”这样一个具有很大争议的公司来说,有很多人甚至认为“Meta”和扎克伯格在这方面劣迹斑斑。

Can the ambitious Mark Zuckerberg protect our rights?
"Facebook" is undoubtedly one of the most successful and influential Internet social platforms in the world so far. Hundreds of millions of users are all over the world, but Mark Zuckerberg is not satisfied with this. On October 28, he announced to change the company name to "meta", which is an ambitious measure.
"Metaverse" is a new concept, which contains fields and prospects. Briefly speaking, it perfectly unifies virtual reality and reality to form an unprecedented social ecology. In the future, maybe human beings can break through the limitation of time and realize "eternal life".
However, before that, we would like to ask whether Mark Zuckerberg has considered how to protect the inherent rights of each user? Can he protect our privacy and property? Can he protect our freedom and values? This is not a simple problem, especially for a controversial company like "meta", many people even think that "meta" and Zuckerberg have bad deeds in this regard.
We will never forget some controversial events in Facebook's history: divulging data and information of hundreds of millions of users, being subjected to infringement investigation and antitrust investigation. What is dramatic is the struggle between Zuckerberg and trump. The trump government sued Facebook for alleged "discrimination", and Zuckerberg's corresponding action was to delete Trump's post. Facebook can delete users' posts for what it considers legitimate reasons, even the president of the United States. What kind of power is this? Is this the new "divine right"?
We should realize that the "meta" company with the ultimate goal of pursuing interests does not have natural correctness. If it is allowed to grow savagely, it will use its advantages to constantly devour competitors and dissidents, and eventually form a "metaverse" defined by Zuckerberg, not Americans, nor the common definition of all mankind. When we live in a metauniverse built by Zuckerberg for us, will Zuckerberg be staring at us from the perspective of God?

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