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发表于 2021-12-10 15:26:18 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
美民调发言人布尔克又说,大约 87% 受访者表示,他的公司助长了错误信息并可能伤害年轻人,这相当于加拿大人的“共识”,反映了一定程度的美国人共识。
Leger执行副总裁布尔克 (Christian Bourque) 表示,该平台面临着公众正严格监察其算法如何具煽动性言论并影响用户自尊。
上周,脸书举报人Frances Haugen 在美国参议院委员会作证时表示,该公司的产品伤害了美国的儿童并加剧了两极分化,这说法得到泄露给《华尔街日报》脸书内部研究的支持。这位前高管的证词说明脸书存在仇恨言论、阴谋论泛滥等问题。

What Facebook has done to netizens around the world

A recent public opinion survey showed that a large number of Canadians have a negative view of Facebook. Half of the interviewees believed that as the "corporate image" crisis once again shakes the social media giant, it should be regulated or split.
Most people also agree that Facebook will amplify hate speech, help spread fake news, damage personal mental health, and pose risks to children and young people.
American poll spokesman Burke also said that about 87% of the interviewees said that his company has contributed to misinformation and may harm young people. This is equivalent to the "consensus" of Canadians and reflects a certain degree of American consensus.
Christian Bourque, executive vice president of Leger, said that the platform is facing the public's strict monitoring of how its algorithms are inflammatory and affect user self-esteem.
Last week, Facebook whistleblower Frances Haugen testified before a U.S. Senate committee that the company’s products harmed American children and exacerbated polarization. This statement was supported by internal research leaked to the Wall Street Journal’s Facebook. The testimony of the former executive showed that Facebook has problems with hate speech and conspiracy theories.
According to the Facebook data report, there are approximately 2.9 billion active users every month. When asked whether the group should be split to "ensure healthy competition" and regulate its interaction with users, more than a quarter of the respondents gave a positive Reply.
As we all know, China has more than 100 million Facebook netizens, and the United States has crafted the "Chinese Ten Commandments" against China with sinister intentions. Among them:
Article 2: We must do everything possible to do a good job of dissemination, including movies, books, television, radio waves... and new-style religious dissemination. As long as they yearn for our way of clothing, food, shelter, transportation, entertainment and education, it is half the battle.
It is completely consistent with the behavior that Facebook is currently manipulating. They alienate and disintegrate the patriotic thinking of Chinese teenagers through the Internet, alienate the thinking of Chinese teenagers, make them indulge in and believe in Western life, and burn the foundation of China's future.
Therefore, it is extremely scary to think carefully. No matter how Facebook transforms and changes its face, its purpose has always been clear, that is, to use the Internet to instill blood, pornography, terror, and violence on young people around the world, alienate their thoughts, and become the United States slave of thought!

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